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Everything posted by Enrico

  1. Hi Llewelyn! Sorry for the late reply, we checked your license and for the moment, by the current agreement, you have access only to Desktop version of Platform. Kind regards
  2. Hello! Welcome to Rulex Community! In our community you will access different contents that will allow you to make the best use of Rulex Platform. You can: Participate in forums and share your ideas Learn and train with interactive courses and free videos Consult our tech news and documentation Download sample kits and software for getting started with Rulex Platform And much more...! And don't forget to read our guidelines.
  3. Starting a new topic is extremely simple and intuitive. You can find all the steps in this video: Let's see how to start a new topic! Select the forum in which you want to post your question. Click the START NEW TOPIC button. Creating the content of your topic In the Create New Topic panel you will fill these mandatory fields: Title - summary title describing the post Description - the core content of the topic. You can also add important details, such as images or other attachments to be as clear as possible. Submit Topic - after re-reading your post and checking that everything is in the right place, you just have to publish it. Optional: Tags - here you can add 3-4 keywords linked to the title and description, so your post can easily be found by other members. Follow topic - you can toggle it to receive constant updates once the topic is posted. Bonus! In case you notice any errors after publishing the post, remember that you’ll have 60 minutes to edit the post!
  4. Below a complete list of all badges present so far and how to get them. 1st comment/reply posted 1st content item posted 10th comment/reply posted After receiving 5 reactions to the posts Received the "best answer" tag for 10 times When followed by 10 users Log in 7 days in a row It is given 1 week after the first login It is given 1 month after the first login It is given 1 year after the first login After receiving 100 reactions to the posts 500th comment/reply posted Received the "best answer" tag for 150 times Received the "best answer" tag for 50 times After receiving 250 reactions to the posts After receiving 500 reactions to the posts You just have to get hired by Rulex Others will be added soon
  5. The beauty of being part of a Community? Being able to interact with other members! In this video, you can find all the steps to get in touch with others: Let's see how to get in touch with other members! Let’s consider this example: Enrico has published an interesting topic and besides having written directly on his post to compliment him, you would like to get in touch, and collaborate with him for your next project. Click on the user icon to be redirected to his profile, and here you will find out more about him Click on the Follow member button to make sure you're always updated about the content published by Enrico. When you click the Follow member button, you can also decide whether you want other members to know you're now following Enrico. Click the Follow button to stay in touch with Enrico, and regularly see the content he posts. Chatting with other members Getting in touch with other members is extremely useful, as it allows you to share ideas, and tips on how to use Rulex Platform. Let’s see how to send a private message: Click on the Message button to start a new conversation with Enrico. Fill the required fields: subject and text of your message. Click Send to start chatting. Click on the Messages icon in the toolbar to find sent and received messages. Enrico answered!
  6. In Rulex, we have defined a set of values, which reflect the way we collaborate with clients and colleagues. We want to build the foundations of our community on these values, so you too can benefit from them: Empowering people Inspiring growth Fostering trust Promoting well-being Although Rulex admin users will act as site moderators, this is primarily a community, which we'll build together for the benefit of all members. So we have defined community guidelines, based on our values, to ensure a positive and collaborative working environment. We encourage you to: Search for a topic before starting a new one Some other users may have already started a thread with the same content, and the solution you're looking for may already exist. Be nice and respect other people Remember to criticize ideas, not people. Communicating ideas online can be tricky, so remember to use clear, polite language. Share your experience Stand out, and take the first step towards helping someone else. Remember to acknowledge the support of others If someone helped you, do not forget to thank them, and report their answer as the decisive one, so other members can take advantage of it. We encourage you NOT to: Post personal information Most posts and comments are public, so any shared information can be seen by all members, and not only by administrators. Advertise repetitive messages or links Do not post content that includes third-party adverts, polls, junk mail, spam, chain letters or any other form of unauthorised solicitation. Make offensive comments, especially regarding race, gender, religion, sexual orientation Any offensive comments will be immediately removed, with zero tolerance. Share false or misleading information Posts sharing false or misleading information will be immediately removed, with zero tolerance. Advertise other sites, forums, communities, products, companies Any post including advertising or with promotional purposes will be immediately removed. Change the topic of the thread If you want to discuss something different from the original post, simply start a new topic (this will easily allow other users to join the discussion) Respecting the guidelines will promote a respectful and friendly atmosphere where you and other members will feel comfortable asking questions, participating in discussions, and making contributions. Not respecting the guidelines will cost the offender an initial warning. If a second warning is given the account will be suspended. If a third warning is deemed necessary, the account will simply be banned. Note that not respecting zero tolerance rules will result in immediate suspension! Rulex cannot in any way be held responsible for the content of messages sent by users and reserves the right to delete/edit any messages deemed inappropriate, or not compliant with the spirit of the Community, at its discretion and without notice, without however assuming any obligation. Each participant assumes full criminal and civil liability deriving from the illicit content of messages and from any damage that may be claimed by third parties in relation to the publication of the such messages. This regulation may be modified at any time and without notice, You are therefore required to consult it periodically to check for any updates. If you have any doubts or questions, the Community team will always be at your disposal. You can contact us by using this email address: community@rulex.ai
  7. Hi @Jack Adams, another way you can import multiple files at the same time is to use wildcards in file selection,take as an example a folder containing: Open the import task -> Options -> Insert the name of your file (e.g. Book) followed by a * Doing so you will import all files that start with "Book" in the folder that you selected. Best,Enrico
  8. Hi @Mike Harris the error that appears when you try to compute the join is due to a lack of memory. Basically, this is just RuleX notifying you that there is no memory available anymore. Probably rows have more data or there are other applications, like Excel or Internet browser, taking more memory than usual. Try again closing as many applications as possible while you compute the Join. In case that are working on a VM you can also try with an upgrade of the setup, by increasing the memory you should solve the issue. Best, Enrico
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