This is a possible way to get what you need:
1. Create a table with the list of weeks:
• You can start with an empty source and fill it using the enum() function.
• Alternatively, you can start with the main table and group by week, assuming that all the necessary weeks are present at least once in the dataset.
2. Create a table listing the resources. This can be done by grouping by the resource in the main table.
3. Join the two tables above using a Cartesian product, as shown below.
The result will be a table where you have all the possible combinations of week/resource (in the example below, the weeks range from 1 to 10, but this will depend on your specific use case).
4. Join the output of the above join with the main table using a left outer join.
The output of this join should be the table you were expecting.
Hope it helps!