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  • Are you ready to take your skills to the next level with our certification learning paths?

    Rulex Academy contains self-paced interactive training courses, to find game-changing insight in your data without depending on data scientists.

    One subscription includes all courses and certification exams.

    If you do not already have a Rulex Platform license, we recommend purchasing 3-months of Factory Lite or Factory Personal together with the training subscription.

    Rulex certification learning paths guide you through a series of interactive hands-on courses to develop and validate essential skills.
    Validate your skills to stand out in the job market
    Take your career path in your own hands by upskilling in new technologies
    Share certification on social media, and let your skills be known
    Self-paced hands-on interactive courses covering data prep, artificial intelligence and optimization, enterprise operations and vertical solutions
  • Rulex Platform

    5 hours

    Data Wrangling (RC-DW)

    The initial course gets you started on Rulex Platform, importing, blending, cleaning, enriching, and reshaping your data, so it is ready to analyse, and then export however you want.

    5 hours

    Data Expert (RC-DE)

    This second level course covers intermediate data management techniques, such as importing and exporting data from remote repositories and databases, conditional import operations and data discretization.

    5 hours

    Solution Certification

    Solution certifications are learning paths dedicated to specific business problems, such as creating and managing heuristic rules. They guide users through the specific flows, offering practical advice and hands-on experience.

    6 hours

    AI & Algorithms (RC-AI)

    This course covers the basic concepts behind algorithms and predictions, including practical business scenarios on the main algorithm types: classification, regression, association, and clustering.

    4 hours

    Optimization (RC-OP)

    This intermediate course explains what optimization is, and how it can help your business. It includes a general course on Mixed Integer Linear Programming, and one of Rulex's vertical optimization solutions for the supply chain.

  • From beginner to expert at €12,50/month (billed annually)

    Annual subscriptions include access to all courses & exams*.

    *If you are a student and your university is part of the Rulex University Program, some of these learning paths and certification exams may be included in your syllabus.


    Travelling to designated exam centers can be a problem, especially when they are not close to home. During the recent pandemic travelling was often impossible. So, we have designed our certification exams so you can take them at your desk, when it is most convenient for you.

    There are no hidden exam costs for Rulex certification exams. If you have subscribed to Rulex Academy, all certification exams are included in the subscription.

    On completion you will receive a digital certificate, listing the competencies you have gained during the specific learning path, and a certification badge, which can be shared on social media to get yourself noticed. Your name will also be added to our certification registry.

    Once you have completed the corresponding learning path, the final certification exam will take you approximately 2 hours. All certification exams have the same structure.
    - Theory: this initial part of the exam includes multiple choice or gap filling questions. The questions will be similar to those found in the intermediate tests between learning path modules.
    - Practice: during the hands-on part of the exam you build up scenarios following guidelines and provided data, and answer questions on your results.

  • Are you still using Rulex 4?

    Just purchase a standard Rulex Academy subscription in the store, and let us know you'd like Rulex4 learning paths - we'll give you all you need.

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