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  1. Hi, I'll contact you via email to better understand specific details of your problem. Regards, Silvia
  2. Hi, The problem is probably due to a firewall or an anti-virus software blocking the installation of Rulex Platform. To solve this issue, you can try right-clicking on the executable and select Run as administrator or open your anti-virus software and flag Rulex Platform as safe. Remember that during the installation phase you should be connected to internet and you need to select the Install only for me option. Let me know if this works!
  3. Silvia

    Data Wrangling

    In this album, you’ll find video tutorials showing you how to perform simple operations to get you started in Rulex Factory. You'll see how to import data from local sources, prepare, merge and reshape datasets, and export your results on your laptop - all in one single working environment.
  4. Having all your important documents scattered across different folders and devices is a headache, and you probably use a centralized platform like SharePoint for storing, organizing, and managing them anywhere, anytime. But what if you could take that efficiency even further? Rulex Platform streamlines the process of accessing and working with SharePoint data within its environment. Just follow these simple steps to register your SharePoint app for Azure authentication and connect it to Rulex Platform. Prerequisites: An Azure tenant subscription (the tenant ID will be requested). Possibility to obtain admin consent on the permission of the created application. Procedure: 1. Open the Microsoft 365 admin center using the account of a user member of the Tenant Global Admins group. 2. Click on the Azure Active Directory link, available under the Admin centers group in the left-side tree view of the Office 365 Admin Center. In the new browser's tab which will be opened you will find the Microsoft Azure portal. 3. On the portal just opened select the Azure Active Directory section and choose the option App registrations. 4. In the App registrations tab you will find the list of Azure AD applications registered in your tenant. Click the New registration button in the upper left part of the blade. 5. Next, provide a name for your application and click on Register at the bottom of the blade. 6. Click on API permissions in the left menu bar and click on the Add a permission button. 7. Here you choose the permissions you will grant to this application. 8. Select Application permission. Then Sites.Selected or Sites.FullControl. 9. Click on the blue Add permissions button at the bottom to add the permissions to your application. On the Overview page you can see the Client ID, the Client App name and the Tenant ID of your application. On the page Certificates & secrets you can also create a Client Secret useful for some extra steps, listed below. If the Sites.Selected option was selected in the previous configuration, you need an extra step to configure in the application the Sharepoint sites your application has access to. To configure this step you need: Prerequisites: A software to execute REST API call (the guide uses Postman). An Administrator Azure AD application created with the steps before but with Sites.FullControl permission. Please take note of the Client ID and the Client Secret of this application as you are going to use them in a while. The configuration of the Sites.Selected permission works as follows: 1. Execute the following REST API call: Request Method: POST Request Url: https://login.microsoftonline.com/<Tenant ID>/oauth2/v2.0/token Request Header: Content-type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded Request Body: grant_type : client_credentials scope : https://graph.microsoft.com/.default client_id : <Client ID of your Admin Azure AD app> client_secret : <Client Secret of your Admin Azure AD app> 2. From the response, keep the access_token, which can be found in the corresponding field. It is going to be used for granting roles. 3. Now you need to gather the Site ID for the sites you want to add to the permission. To do it open in the browser the following URL: https://<domain>.sharepoint.com/sites/<site_name>/_api/site/id where domain and site_name should be substituted with your Sharepoint Domain and with the name of the Sites you want to add to the Sites Selected permission list. 4. Execute for each Site ID you want your Site Selected app to be granted to, the following REST API call: Request Method: POST Request Url: https://graph.microsoft.com/v1.0/sites/<Site ID>/permissions Request Header: Content-type: application/json Request Body: { "roles": ["write"], "grantedToIdentities": [{ "application": { "id": "<Client ID of your Site Selected App>", "displayName": "<Client App name of your Site Selected App>" } }] } Connecting a certificate to the application The final step is to connect a valid certificate to the just created application with the correct permission to evaluate a Signed JWT to be used in Rulex Platform Software. Prerequisites: A certificate or a tool to create self-signed certificate and inspect it (the guide use Powershell to create it and openssl to inspect it). A node.js console to execute a javascript procedure. A valid certificate for your app. You can use a signed certificate for your app or a self-signed x509 certificate. You can create a self-signed x509 certificate using for example Powershell and the following code. $cert = New-SelfSignedCertificate -certstorelocation cert:\localmachine\my -dnsname stantest.com $pwd = ConvertTo-SecureString -String '123456' -Force -AsPlainText $path = 'cert:\localMachine\my\' + $cert.thumbprint Export-PfxCertificate -cert $path -FilePath <path of your pfx file> -Password $pwd To finalize your application creation, you can follow the procedure below: 1. Upload the certificate to the Certificates & secrets page of your just created app. During the upload please take note about the Thumbprint code assigned by Azure to your certificate. 2. If you do not have already (for example if you use a signed certificate), run the following command to create from the pfx file the cer, the pem and the key version of the certificate: openssl pkcs12 -in <path of .pfx file> -clcerts -nokeys -out <path of .cer> openssl pkcs12 -in <path of .pfx file> -nocerts -nodes -out <path of .pem file> openssl rsa -in <path of .pem file> -out <path of .key file> 3. Install with npm (the node.js package manager) the following package jsonwebtoken: npm install jsonwebtoken. 4. Run the following script in node.js to create the JWT token necessary for the authentication based on the certificate just created. Before running you need to insert in the written position the following information about your just created app (Tenant ID, Client ID of the app, Thumbprint of the certificate taken before, path to the key version of your certificate): var jwt = require("jsonwebtoken"); var fs = require("fs"); var uuidv1 = require('uuid/v1'); var tenant = "<your tenant ID/Name>"; var clientID = "<your Azure AD app ID>"; var certThumbprint = "<.cer Thumbprint value on Azure portal>"; var privateKey = fs.readFileSync("<path of your .key file>").toString(); var certOctets = certThumbprint.match(/.{1,2}/g) var certBuffer = Buffer.alloc(certOctets.length) for(var i=0; i<certOctets.length; i++){ certBuffer.writeUInt8(parseInt(certOctets[i], 16), i); } //Perform base64url-encoding as per RFC7515 Appendix C var x5t = certBuffer.toString('base64').replace(/=/g, '').replace(/\+/g, '-').replace(/\//g, '_'); var current = Date.now().toString().substr(0,10); var payload= { "aud":"https://login.microsoftonline.com/"+tenant+"/oauth2/token", "exp": Number(current) + 31536000, "iss":clientID, "jti":uuidv1(), "nbf":Number(current), "sub":clientID } var token = jwt.sign(payload,privateKey,{algorithm: 'RS256',header: {"x5t": x5t}}) console.log(token) 5. With the previous code the obtained token lasts one year, and can be used in Rulex Platform as Azure Authentication password for one year. Change the number 31536000 with the desired validity time in seconds to change this behavior. 6. To use this configuration in Rulex Platform you need to set the type of authentication to Azure Authentication instead of Legacy Sharepoint Authentication, and to enter the following information: App ID: the Client ID of the Azure application created. Tenant ID: the Tenant ID of your Azure subscription. JWT Auth Token: the token just printed on the node.js console in the step before.
  5. Hi, Thank you for reporting this! We have now added the yogurt dataset to the list of datasets as it was missing. Regards, Silvia
  6. Hi, You'll find the complete dataset in the Check the results lesson of the Finding optimum solutions with Mixed Integer Linear Programming course. Please, can you send me a screenshot of what you're seeing? (e.g. any displayed error) Can you also tell the email you're using to login to Rulex Academy? so I can further help you. Thanks! Silvia
  7. Empowered Financial Services Strategies: Managing False Positives in Fraud Detection & NPL Recovery with Rulex Creating value from data has become strategically crucial for helping financial services tackle both traditional and new challenges. Working with major banking and insurance organizations, Rulex has developed sophisticated data-driven technology to improve financial services processes, such as managing false positives in fraud detection and non-performing loans (NPL) recovery. Thanks to its clear and explainable technology, Rulex's financial services solutions empower business users without requiring any specific data skills and comply with GDPR and industry regulations. Follow the courses "Managing False Positives in Fraud Detection" and "Managing NPL Recovery with Rulex" for free, directly from your laptop. What are these courses about? These courses give you an overview of how Rulex manages false positives in fraud detection and the recovery of NPL portfolios. Both courses discuss the crucial role played by Rulex's eXplainable AI algorithm, the Logic Learning Machine (LLM), in the design of these solutions. For whom are these courses? These courses are designed for anyone who is working in the financial sector and wants to discover new, advanced solutions for fraud detection and NPL recovery. No data skills are needed. The courses contents: In the "Managing False Positives in Fraud Detection" course, you'll find: Fraud in numbers: This module explains the extent of fraud in Europe (both in banking and insurance fields). How Rulex manages false positives in fraud detection: This module describes Rulex's innovative approach to fraud detection, which was generated by the fruitful partnership with GFT. What we have done for our clients: This module delves into a real use-case of what Rulex has done to effectively detect fraud and the tangible results achieved. In the "Managing NPL Recovery with Rulex" course, you'll find: Analysing issues related to NPL: This module briefly explains why NPL are problematic and need new approach to fight them. What is different about Rulex's approach?: This module highlights Rulex's competitive advantages in tackling NPL recovery. Real-life Rulex application: This module focuses on a real use-case of a Rulex solution for financial institutions to recover NPL portfolios and the achieved outcomes. What's next? If you are passionate about financial services, the next free course you don't want to miss out is "Performing financial analysis", where you can learn how to manage different datasets, calculate various financial indicators (ROE, ROA, Debt Ratio) and show the results in dashboards. Also, why not give Rulex Platform a try? Download a 30-day free trial and follow our free course "Getting Started with Rulex Factory" to get started in no time. Financial services solutions Discover how Rulex empowers financial services with data-driven solutions to improve decision-making and process efficiency. Learn More
  8. Why moving from speadsheets to data management software is a game-changer Managing data on spreadsheets can be a real nightmare, especially when dealing with large volumes of information. Switching to smart data management software like Rulex Platform will allow you to manage information with ease, process large amounts of data confidently, and benefit from advanced features such as automated operations, predictive analytics, and machine learning capabilities. Give Rulex Platform a try now. Download a 30-day free trial and follow our free course “Getting Started with Rulex Factory” to get started in no time. What is this course about? This course aims to introduce the core component of Rulex Platform: the Factory. It guides you through the initial steps of using Rulex Factory, helping you learn the basic concepts and start working with it. For whom is this course? This course is designed for anyone who has recently downloaded Rulex Platform and requires guidance to take their first steps into Rulex Factory, with no prior knowledge needed. The course contents: Getting to know Rulex Factory: This module explains the mission and the idea behind Rulex Factory. How to start working with the Factory: This module introduces the basic concepts you need to know to smoothly work with Rulex Factory. Tasks & computation options in the Factory: This module explains what tasks are and how to use them. What's next? If you've mastered “Getting Started with Rulex Factory”, the next free course we have in store for you is "Data Wrangling Basics". Here, you'll learn how to import data from local sources, prepare, merge, and reshape datasets, and export your results using Rulex Factory on your laptop. Try Rulex Platform Start a 30-day free trial of Rulex Platform, and try out self-coding yourself to develop your projects Free Trial
  9. From the album: Data Wrangling

    In this short video we’re going to show you how to import datasets and structures from other tasks which can be in an entirely different flow or part of the same one.

    © 2023 Rulex, All rights reserved.

  10. From the album: Data Wrangling

    In this short video we’re going to show you how to make a dataset longer by transforming columns into rows using the Reshape to Long task.

    © 2023 Rulex, All rights reserved.

  11. Version 1.0.0


    In this basic flow we have imported data from local sources, prepared, merged, reshaped datasets, and exported results. You’ll find the corresponding course where you can learn how to build it yourself in the Learn > Interactive courses page.
  12. From the album: Data Wrangling

    In this short video we’re going to show you how to create from scratch small datasets within Rulex Factory using the Empty Source task.

    © 2023 Rulex, All rights reserved.

  13. Version 1.1.0


    In this flow we have manually created heuristic rules. To learn how you can do it yourself, check the Creating Rules in Rulex Factory course in the Learn > Interactive courses page.
  14. Hi Xiaolu, Based on your post we've created a short course on how to install Rulex Platform on a Mac computer with M2 or M1 chip. Here's the link to Installing Rulex Platform on a Mac course: Interactive Courses - Rulex Community Thank you for making our community grow!
  15. Hi! Thanks for reaching out to us! After 1 day of being locked out, students will automatically have the possibility of taking the test another time. Being locked out is a useful step in the learning process to set aside the time required to retake the course and carefully review concepts and definitions, before retaking the wrap-up test. From the admin side, I see that the issue is now solved, and you have now successfully completed the Data-Driven Marketing learning path, congrats! You can share your achievement on LinkedIn, just go to Rulex Academy, click on the Achievements tab > badges and then click the LinkedIn icon to share it.
  16. From the Rulex Community Store you can manage your purchases, for example a Rulex Academy subscription or a Rulex Platform package. You can find all the steps in this video: Let's see how to manage your purchase! Hover the mouse over Store, and select Manage Purchases. Click Manage to see the corresponding details of the purchased product. Click on Cancel Renewals to suspend the subscription. Click on Reactivate to reactivate the subscription.
  17. The Rulex Community Store allows to purchase in an easy and secure way the subscription to Rulex Academy and different packages of Rulex Platform. You can find all the steps in this video: Let's see how to make a purchase! Click on Store in the toolbar. Select what you want to purchase, for example the subscription to Rulex Academy. Insert the email where you want to receive the product you've purchased. Click Add to cart, and select Review and check out to complete the order. You need to sign up to Rulex Community to move forward with the purchase, if you still haven’t. Fill all the required billing information, then click continue. Depending on where you're buying, the corresponding VAT will be added to the final price. Fill the required payment information, and click Place order and pay to confirm. Remember to agree to terms and conditions that you can find here Terms & Conditions Once you've completed this process, you'll receive an email with everything you need to get started.
  18. Hi Sophia! You can select the “Use old computation data if source file is not available“. In this case, data are kept even if the source files are not available. This works in analogous way with database tables.
  19. Hello! You can set the number of decimals to be visualized in the Flow Execution Parameters window, which can be opened by right clicking on the flow in the explorer and selecting Preferences. For more information on the Flow Execution Parameters, check our technical documentation Modifying Flows Execution
  20. Silvia

    Exporting results locally

    From the album: Data Wrangling

    In this short video, we're going to see how to export the results of your analysis, to a defined folder on your computer.

    © 2023 Rulex, All rights reserved.

  21. Silvia

    Creating statistics

    From the album: Data Wrangling

    In this short video, we are going to see how to create basic statistics in a Data Manager task.

    © 2023 Rulex, All rights reserved.

  22. Silvia

    Querying your data

    From the album: Data Wrangling

    In this short video, we are going to see how to perform query operations in a data table. From filtering data to removing unnecessary values, grouping it into logical subsets, applying functions, to sorting values in ascending or descending order.

    © 2023 Rulex, All rights reserved.

  23. Silvia

    Creating basic plots

    From the album: Data Wrangling

    In this short video, we're going to see how to create basic plots in a Data Manager task.

    © 2023 Rulex, All rights reserved.

  24. Silvia

    Importing local files

    From the album: Data Wrangling

    In this short video, we are going to see how to create a flow, and how to import locally stored file using Rulex’s Import from Text File task.

    © 2023 Rulex, All rights reserved.

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