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How to start a new topic


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Starting a new topic is extremely simple and intuitive.

You can find all the steps in this video:


Let's see how to start a new topic!

  1. Select the forum in which you want to post your question.

  2. Click the START NEW TOPIC button.

Creating the content of your topic

 In the Create New Topic panel you will fill these mandatory fields:

  • Title - summary title describing the post

  • Description - the core content of the topic. You can also add important details, such as images or other attachments to be as clear as possible.

  • Submit Topic - after re-reading your post and checking that everything is in the right place, you just have to publish it.


  • Tags - here you can add 3-4 keywords linked to the title and description, so your post can easily be found by other members.

  • Follow topic - you can toggle it to receive constant updates once the topic is posted.

Bonus! In case you notice any errors after publishing the post, remember that you’ll have 60 minutes to edit the post!

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