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Nydia Neuss

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Posts posted by Nydia Neuss

  1. Hello

    I have a time series and I want to split it in test (most recent values) and training (the other ones). I saw that the Split Data task allows you to assign the first portion to the training and the last to the test using “Data shuffle option” = “no shuffle” and setting the starting patter for training and test and it works!

    I wonder if it is possible to assign the test set based on the value of a column (for example all records with a date greater than a certain threshold).

    Thank you!

  2. Hello

    I know that variable lists (e.g. [“var1”,”var2”]) are very useful when used in task parametric options: however sometimes I had the need to use a concatenation of lists in parametric option, but I don't know how (and if) it can be done. In particular I would like to use in a Fill & Clean task a variable list that is the concatenation of the list contained in the process variable @var1 and @var2.


  3. Hello Rulex,

    I would like to suggest a SFTP (Secure File Transfer Protocol) connection as a new file system type to import into Rulex Platform. I would use it both for importing a new resource into my working environment and as source option into the import tasks.

    Thank you for your attention

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