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What's new in Rulex Factory?



Import from Azure Table and Export to Azure Table task


Let's introduce two exciting new tasks added to Rulex Platform: Import from Azure Table and Export to Azure Table. If you have just downloaded the installer and want to try them out, you'll find them in the Task list respectively in the Import and Export categories.

From now on, effortlessly import data from your Azure Table Storage - a powerful cloud-based NoSQL datastore for data storage. Manipulate your imported data with ease and seamlessly export it back, all thanks to these two new tasks.

Exploring a simple example

We'll now show you a sneak peek at how these new tasks look like and how you can effortlessly use them. Watch the short video below to see how easy it is to import data into Rulex Factory from Azure Table Storage and then export it back.

Want to know more?

If you want to discover all the data format that you can work on in Rulex Factory, you first need to download the installer, request a free-trial product key (if you haven't yet) then simply follow the data agility wave and look up all the possibilities our software can offer you by exploring our tutorials and technical documentation.

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