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Jack Adams

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  1. Hi everyone, Do you know if I can add colors to my attributes in a Data Manager? Thank you!
  2. Hello @Sophia Leblanc! It can be done by creating a new column with a fixed value, say 1. You can then use a filter to get an empty dataset, such as "NewColumn" == 0, and then perform a transpose operation with the "Transpose" task. Make sure the option "Put attributes name as first column" is enabled
  3. Hi everyone, I’m working with Import from Database, and I would like to know the maximum number of characters allowed in both a variable or any other "nominal" field like a query or a path. Thank you
  4. Thank you. I thought the sum function calculates by column. I'll try it!
  5. Hi! I am computing an indicator in a datamanager. The numerator of the indicator formula is the sum of 3 columns, and it returns missing if at least 1 of the 3 columns is missing. If the value is missing, I would like to consider it as 0, without modifying the 3 columns. Is it possible? Thanks
  6. Hi! I have selected several tasks with which I would like to create a module, but right-clicking and selecting "Create module" returns an error regarding input sources. With this selection I can create a module without any errors: But if I use this selection (with the module created previously) it returns the error: What could it be? Thank you
  7. Hi! There are two data managers in which some columns have different names. Although the names are different, the columns in the two datasets are expressions of the same variables. Since the data mangers have the same structure I would like to concatenate them (using the concat task) into one data manager, but I would like to avoid renaming all the columns. How can I do this?
  8. Hello Rulex Community, Why even though I added the task Runtime Variables at the top level the flow doesn't work correctly and it seems that the flow's variables don’t assume the right values (even though extracting the module makes it work correctly)? Thanks
  9. Hello Rulex Community! I have two numerical columns (say Col_1 and Col_2) and I want to define a new column containing which of the two columns is closest to a third column (say Actual). This column should contain "Col_1" or "Col_2". Thank you in advance!
  10. Hi all! Is it possible that there is no way to create a for loop in Rulex? I would need to iterate the same operation several times and I have not yet found the way...
  11. Hi @Mike Harris, thank you for your help, I used to import files simply by dragging them on the Rulex screen and I had never noticed you could do this in the advanced section, this will be really useful.
  12. Hello Rulex Community, is there a way to import multiple files with a single import task?
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