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Griz2 last won the day on June 19 2023

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  1. I have taken over responsibility for a RuleX. In the History for one of the steps, I see the several "Reset Query" and I do not understand what this does. Are the Reset Query and Data saving actions even necessary? Here are the actions in the History. Filter Assign to attribute Reset Query Filter Data saving Filter Assign to attribute Filter Assign to attribute Reset Query Data Saving
  2. a very clever solution ... works perfectly ... thank you so much for the prompt response
  3. Is there a way to check if a Dataman is empty before exporting to Excel? I don't want to update the Excel file if there are no records to be added.
  4. Griz2

    Exporting results locally

    How can you only export data to Excel if there are results to be exported?
  5. WOW! That worked perfectly. Thank you. Where would I find in the documentation the $names formula? What exactly is the $names?
  6. Sometimes the data will have a column called "XYZ" and other times the column will be called "ABC". Is there a way to check for a column in an ifelse statement or maybe column position in an import from Excel and then rename or in a DataMan? Any clever ideas?
  7. I need the Excel style format so I will have to use another application to do the append. Thank you for your response.
  8. Is it possible to append (not replace) data in Excel and to keep the Excel formatting?
  9. If I purchase RuleX Lite on a monthly basis and have a gap where I do not purchase RuleX will my flows be deleted?
  10. How can I filter in a DataMan using a variable
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